Friday 21 June 2024

June 21, 1994: Michelle's therapist told her she was moving too fast with me

            On Tuesday night when I arrived in the Art Bar of the Gladstone Hotel to host my Orgasmic Alphabet Orgy writers open stage Michelle was already there. I went over to kiss her but she seemed cold. She was weird all night and during a break when I asked her about it she explained that she was tired. I performed my poem “Wives of the Prophets”: 
I want to love an African woman 
ultra feminine and endlessly wrapped 
in colours cut from the sun 
Yeah I want a girl just like the girl 
that married Mohammad 

With eyes that shine like pools
in the Algerian moonlight 
all engulfing and deep enough
to drown a camel caravan 
Yeah I want a girl just like the girl 
that married Abraham 

With a callipygian badhida
so high it makes a heavenly derriere 
I’d worship my African Aphrodite
till were waltzing in the air 

I want to love an African woman 
with slow moving hips that sway 
like date trees in the desert breezes 
Yeah, I want a girl just like the girl 
that married the prophet Jesus 

             Michelle was also cold when we said goodnight. Mary Milne drove me home and came in for coffee. When we came in I checked my messages and there was one from Michelle asking me to call her and so I did. She told me that she’d had a very intense session with her therapist that morning and he’d advised her that she was moving too quickly with me. I couldn’t talk long because I didn’t feel it was appropriate with Mary there.

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