Sunday 23 June 2024

Oded Fehr

            On Saturday morning I listened to three covers of “S'il pleauvait des larmes” (If it Would Rain Tears) by Boris Vian. Each singer arranges the verses slightly differently and one repeats several. I’ll probably go with the Juliet Greco arrangement but pick up the melody from one of the others. 
            I finished memorizing “Des Ils et des Elles” (Of Hes and of Shes) by Serge Gainsbourg. I searched for the chords but no one has posted them and so I worked them out for the intro and part of the first line. 
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the second of four sessions and had a great time. 
            I weighed 88.4 kilos before breakfast, which is the lightest I’ve been in the morning since last Saturday. 
            Around midday I hitched up my bike trailer and headed down to No Frills. The grapes there are only $2.18 a kilo but I already used the No Frills flyer at Freshco to price match and so I have a shitload of grapes. I only got five bags. I also bought two backs of raspberries, bananas, cinnamon-raisin bread, a pork tenderloin, a pack of three chicken legs, Arm and Hammer toothpaste, Miss Vickie’s chips, and two containers of Siggis skyr. It’s now been a month and a half since they had their own PC brand of skyr, or maybe people snatch it all up before I get there. 
            It’s starting to feel convenient to shop with my bike trailer even though I have to take two trips to get both the bike and the trailer downstairs and upstairs. I would shop at Freshco with it as well if I didn’t tend to stop there on my way back from my bike ride downtown. I’m not going to haul the trailer all the way downtown and back. 
            When I got home I went back out to buy a six-pack of Creemore. I might have to get my next one at the Beer Store if they go on strike. 
            I canceled the Amazon order for the volume pedal. When I get my refund I’ll just find a store that has the model I want, even if it costs more. My time has value and with all the waiting I’ve done for that package I’ve spent the equivalent of three times the cost of the item. 
            I weighed 88.15 kilos before lunch. June 11 was the last time I was that light at midday. I had saltines with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of low sugar iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and on the way back I stopped at the Penguin Pickup to claim my package of three Yorkville Studio One instrument cables from The Twelfth Fret. Penguin handles most of the carriers and I asked one of the guys which one has the most screw-ups. He said Canada Post and UPS. I’ve never had Canada Post fail to deliver a package. I assume that of all the carriers Canada Post and UPS carry more packages and so it would be just a statistical probability that they would have more mistakes. 
            I weighed 88 kilos at 17:12. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:15.
            In the Movie Maker project for my electric performance of “Mamadou” I synchronized the audio with the video. I set a proper ending and cut out everything that followed. I added a fade to black effect, a watercolour effect and the effect of cycling through the colour spectrum. I set the audio balance so there’s a touch of sound from the camera microphone and the rest from the Audacity recording. I published the movie and tomorrow I’ll upload it to YouTube. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “The Next State of Grace” I synchronized the concert video with the studio audio for when I sing “noodles to the shape of these words”. After that the first chorus begins and the video and audio go out of synch again. Next my plan is to take my guitar, my camera and my tripod out onto the street and shoot some videos of myself performing the song. Then I’ll try to synch parts of those videos to the studio audio for any moments when the concert video is out of line with the studio audio. 
            In Audacity I tried to open the Fat Albert’s MP3 in Audacity like I did a few days ago but this time Audacity claimed it couldn’t read it. I converted it to WAV in Cloud Convert. The conversion seems to have been successful but downloading the file will took hours. 
            I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sourdough bread with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 5, episode 6 of Star Trek: Discovery
            The SS Locker has captured Mol and L’ak but L’ak was severely wounded when he fell on a sharp object during his fight with Burnham. He is being treated in sickbay but Mol refuses to leave his side and so they are both in a containment field around his bio-bay. Commander Nahn returns as she is in charge of security on the Locker. She has confiscated Valek’s diary from Mol. Mol and L’ak are transported to sickbay on Discovery so Dr. Culber can treat L’ak. He's learned that the Breen regenerate in refrigeration and so he uses an old Breen refrigeration unit. It results in an improvement. Admiral Vance informs Burnham that the Breen have learned that Mol and L’ak are in Federation custody and they are sending a dreadnaught to claim the prisoners. Burnham figures out that the reason that the Breen has sent their most powerful ship is because L’ak is in the direct bloodline to the throne. Primarch Ruhn of the Breen wants L’ak to help secure his ascendance. Meanwhile Tilly and Adira are trying to find the next clue. A piece of metal found on Halem’no has a Betazoid inscription that reads, “Labyrinth of the Mind”. It is the title of a Betazoid manuscript by Dr. Marina Durex who was one of the scientists who worked with Valek. Zora the computer reveals that Commander Reno is a former antiquarian bookseller. Reno says the truth is she was a smuggler of old books. She says the metal plate might be a library card. There is an antiquarian library that travels through space. Since Betazoids are empaths and so is Book, Stamets gets him to read the library card. He says the library is near a plasma storm. Burnham uncovers that Rayner’s home planet was used for years as a Breen outpost and his entire family was killed. Another Primarch named Tahal controlled his planet. Primarch Ruhn beams onto Discovery with several men to demand the prisoners. According to Burnham’s plan President T’rina lies that they have an offer for L’ak from Primarch Ta’hal, who also wishes to claim the throne. Ruhn threatens to destroy the station but T’rina says he’s bluffing because he needs L’ak. Burnham says that if he attacks, Discovery is capable of immediate escape to Ta’hal. In sickbay L’ak injects himself with an overdose of one of the drugs he is being given. This causes Culber to drop the containment field and Mol begins fighting her way out. She takes out the guards and Culber and then has a fight with Nahn. Mol escapes sickbay. Because of his overdose L’ak’s lifesigns are failing. They need a Breen medic and so Burnham gets the Breen ship to supply one but the Primarch insists on being there as well. Book and Nahn locate Mol. He tells Mol about L’ak’s overdose and advises her not to miss her chance to be there with him. She goes back and L’ak dies in her arms. Roul wants to take L’ak’s body but Mol says she goes where he goes. She reveals a mark on her arm that indicates that she and L’ak were married. She promises Ruhl the Progenitors’ technology. She thinks it has the power to bring L’ak back to life. Ruhl tells Burnham that Mol is his price to avoid war. A decision is made against Book’s protests that the Federation will agree to let the Breen take Mol. She is beamed aboard the dreadnought and it leaves. Stamets, Tilly and Adira have determined that the next clue is in the Eternal Gallery and Archive. It changes location about every fifty years. It’s now in an area called the Badlands. 
            Admiral Vance is played by Oded Fehr, who was trained at the Old Vic Theatre School in England. He co-starred in Resident Evil: Apocalypse, and Resident Evil: Extinction. He co-starred in the TV series Sleeper Cell, Presidio Med, and Blood and Treasure. He starred in the series UC: Undercover. He was the voice of Doctor Fate on Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.

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