Tuesday 25 June 2024

Patrick Kwok-Choon

            On Monday morning I memorized the second verse of “S'il pleauvait des larmes” (If it Would Rain Tears) by Boris Vian. 
            I finished working out the chords for “Des Ils et des Elles” (Of Hes and of Shes) by Serge Gainsbourg. I ran through singing the song in French and English. Tomorrow I’ll upload it to my Christian’s Translations blog.
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for last of four sessions. 
            I weighed 88.3 kilos before breakfast. 
            I moved several more photos from my main hard drive to my Samsung SSD. 
            I weighed 88.8 kilos before lunch. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 88.35 kilos at 17:00.
            I was caught up on my journal at 17:40.
            In the Movie Maker project for my electric performance of “The Post Colonial Breakdown” I synchronized the audio with the video. All that’s left to do now is establish a proper ending and cut out everything after that. Then I’ll add some effects and publish the movie. I might even have time tomorrow to upload it to YouTube. 
            I uploaded the videos I shot yesterday of myself playing “The Next State of Grace” on the street. They look pretty good but it was a very windy evening and so the microphone picked up a lot of loud flapping at moments. I don’t really need the camera audio for the video since in the Movie Maker project the camera audio will not be part of the movie. But from what audio did come through it would have been fun to have had it clean. The camera came with a wind screen so next time if I do something like this I’ll attach it. I tried to use Total Video Converter to convert the videos to WMV but that failed twice even though each time it went through the length of time that a conversion would take. I noticed during the processes that zero bytes were being converted but I thought the amount would show up in the end. It’s weird because it converts MP4 to WMV all the time. I tried converting to AVI WMV and it worked. 
            I opened the Movie Maker project for my audio performance at Fat Albert’s on June 22, 1994. Since Blogger won’t easily upload audio files I think converting it to a video format with pictures and sound is my best option. Yesterday I imported a photo of Angeline from my Samsung SSD into Movie Maker. I continuously copied the photo onto the timeline until it filled up the length of my performance of “Angeline”. For the second song “Wives of the Prophets” I imported a picture of my ex-girlfriend Victoria. But then I realized that I’d made a mistake to import the photos directly from the SSD because I don’t always have the SSD plugged into my computer. Since Movie Maker is on my PC any files I use have to always be connected to the computer. So I deleted the photos of Angeline and then copied the Angeline and Victoria photos back to my computer and imported them to Movie Maker. Then I learned that I don’t need to repeatedly paste a photo into the video timeline. I just have to grab the edge of the photo with the cursor and stretch it to where I want it to extend. The stretching is one of time and not image. I did that with both photos and then I published the movie. Tomorrow I might as well upload it to YouTube before adding it to my June 22 blog. 
            I had a potato with gravy and the last pieces (the wings and spine) from the chicken I roasted, while watching the penultimate episode of Star Trek: Discovery. 
            Primarch Tahal of the Breen has heard that Primarch Ruhn has been killed. She is on her way with her fleet to recruit Ruhn’s soldiers to bolster her claim to the throne. Saru informs Burnham of this while Discovery’s crew is repairing the ship before making the jump to claim the Progenitors’ technology. Everything is pretty much ready but the spore drive can only make an approximate jump without another ninety minutes of work. Burnham tells him they need to jump right away. They land in the appration disk of a black hole but can’t pull out because it’s a binary system of two black holes. They use the other black hole’s gravity to sling themselves out. The coordinates for the Progenitors’ technology is in the Lagrange point of the two black holes. Suddenly Ruhn’s dreadnought comes out of warp and grabs the structure with a tractor beam. Mol now has the object but Burnham has a clue to passing the final test, “Build the shape of the one between the many”. They have to figure out a way to beam the object out of the dreadnought. Adira suggests a transfer lock but they need to be on board the dreadnought to attach it. Burnham says they need two teams. They can fly a shuttle close to a gap in the shell coverage right at the exhaust port and beam aboard from there. Alpha team will go to the bridge to take down the ship’s shields. Bravo team will go to the shuttle bay to attach the transfer lock. Then they’ll beam both teams and the structure back to Discovery. Adira and Rhys are the Alpha team and Burnham and Book are the Beta. They come in disguised as Breen soldiers, who all look alike. 
            On the dreadnought Mol is in charge. The five pieces of the map that they stole from Discovery make one cylindrical object that serves as a key to open the structure. The structure opens and inside is white light. A soldier approaches the entrance and is sucked inside a dimensional gateway. They tether another soldier and send him in but he also disappears. 
            The two teams from Discovery beam onto the dreadnought. Burnham behaves like a Breen to get past interactions and challenges from other Breen warriors.
            Meanwhile Saru takes a shuttle to intercept Tahal’s fleet and persuade her not to go to Ruhn’s dreadnought. 
            On their way to the shuttle bay Burnham stops to communicate her feelings to Book. That doesn’t seem realistic in the middle of a mission. At the doorway to the shuttle bay an eye scan is required and so Burnham and Book have to take out the guards and use one of them for the eye scan. They need to take down the shields around the structure and so Book needs to distract an officer while Burnham does that. His distraction is to flirt. The missing guards are missed and so Mol calls for a full lockdown. On Discovery Rayner decides to try to distract the crew of the dreadnought so Burnham can finish her mission. The Breen think Discovery was destroyed but now it reveals itself. Burnham attaches the transport lock but the Breen open fire and Mol steps in to remove the lock. Rayner now plans to fly Discovery in to smash its way into the dreadnought’s shuttle bay, then they will beam the structure, Burnham and Book on board. Discovery advances firing. Stamets says they have to fly at full impulse, tilted down 35.2 degrees with modulating shields concentrated on the deflector dish they can pierce the containment field. Rayner calls for Adira to drop the shields. Rhys holds off the guards with martial arts until Discovery beams them out. Mol sees what is happening and jumps inside the structure with L’ak’s body in a portable pattern buffer. Burnham follows her. Discovery crashes through and the structure is sucked out into space. Discovery can’t reach it with a tractor beam. 
            Rhys is played by Canadian actor Patrick Kwok-Choon, who has a black belt in Krav Maga and a BA in Communication Studies. He then graduated from George Brown Theatre School. He starred as Ferdinand in a stage production of The Tempest. He was trained as a puppeteer. He co-starred in the series Open Heart.

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