Friday 28 June 2024

Ruth McDevitt

           On Thursday morning I memorized the second verse of “Litanie en Lituanie” (Litany in Lithuania) by Serge Gainsbourg. That’s almost half the song since there are only two and a half verses left. 
            I weighed 88.85 kilos before breakfast. I moved some more photos from my main hard drive to the Samsung SSD. 
            I weighed 88.85 kilos before lunch, which is the heaviest I’ve been at midday since last Thursday. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and stopped at Freshco on my way back. The grapes and cherries were on sale. I checked my phone to see if they were cheaper elsewhere but they weren’t. I got three bags of grapes, two bags of cherries, a pack of strawberries, bananas, two packs of five-year-old cheddar, a tub of margarine, and a jar of salsa. 
            I weighed 88.45 kilos at 17:40.
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:52. 
            I reviewed the song practice video of my performances of “The Wooden Leg” and “La jambe de bois” from August 10 to 15 of last year. On August 10 and 12 I played “The Wooden Leg” on my Martin acoustic guitar. On August 10 the take at 25:00 was probably the best English version so far. On August 12 the take at 3:30 in part B wasn’t bad but the light was a bit washed out. On August 14 I played it on my Kramer electric guitar and the take at 9:15 in part B wasn’t bad and looked good. This is in Movie Maker. On August 11 and 15 I played “La jambe de bois” on the Martin. On August 11 the take at 6:30 in part B wasn’t bad. On August 15 the take at 5:45 in part B was okay and didn’t look bad. On August 13 I played it on the Kramer and the take in part B at 14:30 was not bad for the electric and it looked okay. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “The Next State of Grace” I needed a video clip of the first time I sing, “guess I’ll sit here and wait for the next state of grace”. I chose to copy it from the second take of the song in the video I shot on the street earlier this week. It was almost perfectly in synch where I pasted it in the main video. I only had to cut out a little bit to line it up. My next mission for this project is to find people on the street to sing the response to the above line. On the studio audio Brian Haddon sings the response but the only concert video of us doing that song is the one at the Riot Gallery in May, 1998 and unfortunately Brian had laryngitis that night and chose not to sing. So tomorrow evening maybe I’ll go out with my camera and walk around Parkdale to see if any people with interesting faces would be willing to sing “sit here and wait for the next state of grace” and “line up and wait for the next state of grace” three times each for $10. 
            I had a potato with gravy and a reheated T-bone steak while watching the third season finale of Bewitched
            In this story Samantha had promised to go shopping with her mother but then Darrin came down with a cold so now she can’t go. She goes out to get a hot water bottle for him and leaves her mother to take care of Tabitha. But while Samantha is out, Endora decides to call on the family witch doctor, Dr. Bombay to cure Darrin so Samantha can go shopping. Darrin is expecting a house call from a doctor and just assumes that Bombay is that physician. Bombay has never treated a human before but gives Darrin a bottle of pills. He says antibiotics only bore a cold to death but if he takes one of his pills his cold will be cured instantly. He does so and it works so that Darrin feels great. Then his boss Larry, who is also fighting a cold comes by. Darrin gives him one of the pills and his cold instantly goes away as well. Larry believes they are about to become millionaires and plans to start marketing this remedy. He promises Bombay money but warlocks don’t need it. However when he promises him fame Bombay gives in and allows the pills to be marketed with his name and picture on them. Darrin and Larry arrange a meeting with their pharmaceuticals client Mr. Hornbeck and offer him a partnership to market the pills. Hornbeck also has a cold but after taking a pill he’s in. But then Samantha informs Darrin that Bombay is a witch doctor. That’s enough to make him stop the deal but then the side effect kicks in and Darrin suddenly gets an extremely high voice. Samantha goes to get an antidote from Bombay and comes back with more pills to lower his voice. But they cause him to lose his voice all together. Then Larry and Hornbeck both get high voices. Samantha arrives at the office with champagne from Dr. Bombay. It fixes their voices but reinfects them all with colds. Later Hornbeck returns and says he still wants to market Bombay’s cure. When they ask why he takes off his hat to reveal that Bombay’s pills cured his baldness. 
            After the show I fell asleep on the couch for at least half an hour and woke up a little confused. 
            I had coffee while watching the fourth season premier of Bewitched. 
            Ticheba the Queen of witches comes to visit Samantha. She announces that she is abdicating the throne and that she has chosen Samantha as her replacement. Samantha refuses at first but Endora reminds her that she does not have that option. Samantha tells Darrin that it’s a great honour and it means a lot to her. She was among the witches chosen at birth as a possible queen and she has no choice if she is selected. Darrin gives in. That night at the coven Samantha is made queen. She promises to preserve, protect and defend the laws of witchdom but adds, “Only after midnight” because of her duties during the day as a wife and mother. The next night Darrin wakes up at 3:00 when a raven comes to his bed and asks for an audience with the queen. She’s already giving audience to several others downstairs. Apparently Ticheba had a short fuse and turned several of her subjects into animals and objects. She tells the raven to tell his friends that she will pardon them tomorrow but not before twelve. In a mix-up of the twelve hour clock they all show up at noon while Darrin is having a client over for lunch. While Darrin and Samantha are arguing in the kitchen the doorbell rings and the client answers. A chair comes walking in and then a lamp and so the client cancels his contract. Darrin tells Samantha to abdicate but she says she can’t for at least a year. Darrin goes to a bar and reflects on the situation. He comes home and sees all of what were previously animals and objects leaving his house as people. The raven is a guy in a loud checkered sport coat. Samantha tells Darrin no one has ever resigned from the crown but she will. Darrin tells her she doesn’t need to because he wants to accept who she is.
            Ticheba was played by Ruth McDevitt, who was born in 1895. Although she studied drama when younger she gave it up when she got married. But when she was thirty nine years old her husband died and she got back into local theatre. In 1940 she went to New York and got work acting on Broadway and on the radio. During the war she played Jane Channing on the radio soap opera "This Life Is Mine." She made her film debut in 1951 in The Guy Who Came Back. In the 50s she worked on television and played Mom Peepers on "Mr. Peepers" and a sharp shooting granny on "Pistols and Petticoats." She played advice columnist Emily Cowles on "Kolchak the Night Stalker."

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