Monday 17 June 2024

Eve Harlow

            On Sunday morning I worked out the chords for verses four, five and six of “Et quand bien même” (And Even If) by Serge Gainsbourg. I should have the song done tomorrow. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice for the last of four sessions. 
            I weighed 89.15 kilos before breakfast. 
            I ordered the Boss FS6 dual footswitch on Amazon. The one shipped from Japan was cheaper at $90.71 but it might take a month to get here. Sometimes these things arrive sooner than projected though.
            I located the ten photos on my computer hard drive that were shown to be corrupted on my old external hard drive when I tried to move them to the new Samsung SSD. The original copies easily copied into the T7. I then copied a lot of music and video files from my Downloads folder into my Samsung and then deleted the originals from my computer. I almost accidentally deleted all of my thousands of photos from the SSD twice while deleting things from Downloads. It was because the Photos folder in the Samsung was highlighted and when I clicked “delete” they all went into the recycle bin. I learned that I should delete files by right clicking them. 
            I weighed 88.7 kilos before lunch. I had saltines with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of lemon iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 88.65 kilos at 17:11. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:33. 
            In the Movie Maker project for my acoustic performance of “Mamadou” I shifted the video horizontally so it appears like I’m left handed. It looks weird and makes my left arm tired just to watch it but it’s kind of fun. I published the video and then uploaded it to YouTube. 

            I then copied the project for my September 11, 2023 song practice and renamed it “The Post Colonial Breakdown (acoustic)”. The audio is a little behind the video so tomorrow I’ll synchronize it. 
            In the Audacity project for synchronizing the drum track version of my song “The Next State of Grace” with the master recording, I finished lining up the patterns of the wave forms of both tracks as best as I could. I didn’t have time to listen to it before dinner, but I’ll find out tomorrow if it worked. 
            I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sourdough bread with Basilica sauce, two sliced chicken kebabs and five year old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 5, episode 1 of Star Trek: Discovery
            Captain Burnham is called to a meeting with Doctor Kovich and Admiral Vance. An 800 year old Romulan science vessel has been found on the edge of the Delta quadrant. Discovery is ordered to secure it but Kovich won’t say what is on board. Before Discovery can get there a team of scavengers named Mol and L’ak get to the ship first. Burnham and two others beam onto the ship but Mol ambushes them and traps all but Burnham in force fields. L’ak drops a mine that opens hole in the hull that sucks Burnham into space. A space suit automatically forms around her. She sees Mol and L’ak’s ship uncloaking and propels herself towards it. She lands on the hull, magnetizes her feet and proceeds to try to take out the engines before it can go to warp. The USS Antares helmed by Captain Rayner catches the scavenger ship in a tractor beam. But it’s causing the warp bubble to collapse and it will blow if Rayner doesn’t let go. He says Mol and L’ak are too hard to catch and he doesn’t want to lose this chance. Burnham and Rayner argue for a while before Rayner finally releases the beam. Burnham is beamed back onto Discovery and Mol and L’ak escape, shooting out several decoy warp signatures before going into warp. In order to track Mol and L’ak, Burnham calls on her former lover Book, who has been doing community service for his crimes in the previous season. As a former courier with experience in navigating the black markets of this era he guesses that Mol and L’ak would go to a dealer named Fred on the planet Q’mau because Fred has a taste for antiquities. Vance sends Burnham, Rayner and Book. Mol and L’ak get to Fred first and show him the Romulan puzzle box they stole. Fred is a synthezoid and says he hasn’t encountered such a thing for 622.7 years. He solves the puzzle in seconds and opens the box to reveal a diary which he speed reads. Then he tells them he will take everything for three bars of latinum. L’ak observes that they’ve never seen a synth so anxious. Mol says the offer is too low. Fred says the item stays with him. Mol and L’ak take out Fred’s guards. Fred wounds Mol, which drives L’ak to kill him. Burnham, Rayner and Book arrive after the outlaws have left. Burnham has Fred beamed up to Discovery to have his memory scanned. Mol and L’ak leave the city on sand runners, which are like hovering snowmobiles. Burnham, Rayner and Book pursue them on the same. Meanwhile Tilley is caught hacking into the Federation database by Vance. But he is also curious to learn what is so important that Federation officers are being risked to achieve. He says it’s a pity he didn’t stop her in time and allows her to proceed. They find a holographic message from a Romulan scientist named Dr. Vallek. He talks about an ancient technology beyond comprehension, which he’s hidden in the shadow of twin moons. Back on Q’mau, Mol and L’ak have reached their ship and are firing upon their pursuers. Book says they won’t head into space but into the tunnels in the mountain. They’ve planted explosives one of the entrances and that indicates their escape route. Rayner wants to blast the entrance of the cave but Burham says that would set off an avalanche. He orders his ship to fire. It doesn’t cause an avalanche but it gives Mol and L’ak the idea to do so. They fire at the mountain and cause a land slide. The rocks are headed towards the villagers. The Discovery scientists come up with a plan to team with the Antares and come in side by side between the villagers and the avalanche and to combine their power to put up a force field to stop the rocks. It works but Mol and L’ak escape. Back on Discovery the Vulcan President T’Rina asks Saru to marry her. The data from Fred’s memory provides a page by page view of the diary that Fred scanned. Burnham confronts Kovich to get him to reveal what they are after. He says that Jean Luc Picard found a message left by a race of ancient beings the Federation calls the Progenitors. They created all life as we know it in the galaxy. Vallek found their technology. Burnham thinks the tech is buried on a planet with twin moons in the Vallene system. 
            Mol is played by Eve Harlow, who was born in the Soviet Union and moved with her family to Israel. She came to Canada at the age of seven. Her first film appearance was in My Name is Sarah in 2007. Her first TV role was in two episodes of the Canadian series The Guard (for which she won a Leo Award and was nominated for a Gemini). She co-starred in The Tomorrow Man. She played a villain on the TV series The 100.

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