Tuesday 22 December 2015

Blasted by a Ray Gun


            On Sunday morning my friend Mike and I were walking along the street when a car pulled up and the driver opened the passenger door. He was asking directions but when Mike leaned inside to give them the guy grabbed him and pulled him in. I grabbed Mike and tried to pull him back out while a guy in the back seat was twisted around and putting together some kind of instrument. When the sinister looking man with the short black hair got out of the car, I could see that what he’d been assembling was a type of gun. It was cylindrical, about as wide as a bazooka and about a meter long. He pointed it at Mike and it emitted a visible electrical pulse that looked like a stream of interwoven snakes made of lightning. Mike collapsed in the front seat. Then the man looked at me and it seemed like an afterthought when he aimed it at me and fired as well. I said, “Oh my god!” as the beam made me feel like my guts were being turned inside out. As they drove away though, the after-sensation of the blast was almost pleasant and everything around me, especially the trees took on the hue of the kind of vibrating electric yellow that one might see on an acid trip. Then I woke up.
            Sunday was, for the most part a waste. I spent almost the entire day trying to get online in order to post a blog but, even though I was connected, things just wouldn’t upload and so I spent hours that should have been spent on studying. I think it was obsessive of me to keep on trying. I could have just waited until the connection was stronger but when I come up against obstacles I sometimes keep hammering at them when what is really needed is patience.
The bad connection might have been mostly because of it being Sunday and a lot of people were I both the Capital and the Coffee Time going online and probably Christmas shopping on the internet. Another reason though, and if I’d thought of this earlier it might have saved me some of the grief, was that I was in the midst of downloading the most recent season of Doctor Who, so I could watch it over my Christmas holiday. It wasn’t until I turned off Bit Torrent for a while that I was able to finish uploading my blog.

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