Sunday 20 December 2015

Ding Dong the Bugs Are Gone! Maybe.

            On Saturday morning I woke around 4:00 and since I’d been looking for an opportunity to do a bedbug search. I looked through all their old hangouts and found none. It’s been almost two weeks since I saw one of the little monsters crawling in the open. Maybe the dust the Orkin guy puffed around the place on December 4th IS actually better than the spray. I had my doubts.
            When I took a siesta early in the afternoon, I actually dared to sleep naked under my comforter. I hadn’t used the comforter for several months because it is big and takes up a whole large washer on bedbug treatment days, so it was cheaper to just wear my clothes to bed the way animals do.
            Of my cats, Amarillo doesn’t give off as bad an odour as he used to and he has stopped drooling the stinky saliva that soaked into everything. Jonquil, on the other hand doesn’t drool either but she reeks so badly that she leaves her smell everywhere she lays. I try to keep her out of the bedroom, but when I went for the nap I found that she’d been lying under the dresser. I had to wash the wooden floor in that area before I could comfortably lie down. Sometimes I think it would be nice if she would just wander away when the back door is open and never come back. Maybe she could live with some skunks but I doubt if they could handle the smell.
            I watched the second episode of Make Room For Daddy, the original title of the Danny Thomas Show. Danny comes home with a doll for his eleven-year-old daughter and finds her getting ready to go out to her first dance. He thought she was nine. He forbids her to go, saying she’s too young. Her mother though teaches Terry how to trick her father into saying she can go by using reverse psychology. The funniest line comes when Danny is bathing his son, Rusty, who says, “I like it better when you give me a bath than when mommy does, because you always leave some dirt on me!”

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