Saturday 26 December 2015

Running Shoes Dancing


            On Christmas morning I allowed myself the option of sleeping in but I only got up slightly later than usual. I did my yoga a lot more slowly than normal and during song practice I left out about half of my regular routine. I finished learning to play my translation of Jacques Brel’s “Le Moribond” and I’m looking forward to my next Brel project: his powerful tribute to “Amsterdam”.
            I made bacon and eggs for breakfast and watched the fourth episode of the latest season of Doctor Who, which was a continuation of the previous episode. One of the characters was a woman that only speaks in deaf sign language. People die. Time travel is used to save the day.
            I uploaded to YouTube a video of some running shoes dancing to the wind.
            I made stuffing and put it inside of the turkey I got from the foodbank. I put the bird in the oven and took a nap. I turned the oven down and took a bike ride toward the full moon. Traffic was light but Yonge and Dundas was crowded and a guy was playing “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause” on the saxophone. It was also crowded around Nathan Philips Square. Aren’t all people and places named “Nathan” squares? I couldn’t tell if people were skating there or not. From Spadina on there were three middle-aged punks on bicycles, going in the same direction as me, and chatting as they went. Only one of them had a flasher and they ignored red lights, which is how they kept passing me. One of them had to stop when he was running a red at Ossington and a car coming south blared its horn.
            When I got home, my turkey was done. I had some of it with mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce and a glass of Creemore. The turkey turned out great, though there isn’t really much one can do to ruin a turkey unless one undercooks it, overcooks it or ruins it in some other way.
            I watched the fifth episode of the latest season of Doctor Who. It was sort of like a high tech Magnificent Seven, but with Vikings. The Doctor said, “Premonition is just remembering in reverse.”

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