Friday 18 December 2015

The Walking Water Heater from Mars


            I spent a lot of Tuesday working on my review of last Sunday night’s Plastiscene Reading Series.
            Here’s a bedbug update. I felt a bit discouraged three days after the pest treatment on December 4th when I saw a healthy bedbug on the door above my bed. Later I also killed one that was bloodless and black inside. Since then though I haven’t seen, smelled or felt any bedbugs, so that’s encouraging. I need to find the time though to do another search around the frames and baseboards in order to really bolster my confidence. As soon as I’m sure that the vampire infestation is finished, I need to get my bedroom things out of the kitchen so I can tackle the cockroaches.
            I watched the sixth and seventh episodes of Zombies of the Stratosphere. At the end of the fifth, Larry Martin was fighting a Martian robot that looked like a water heater with arms and legs made of accordion hoses, hands made of clamps and with enormous metal boots. It had knocked him down and was just about to kill him with an axe. The Martian leader, Marek, was controlling it. But the view of Marek’s video screen doesn’t show the robot’s point of view but rather the robot from a few meters away. How does that work? I’ve also noticed that a lot of people in that era pronounced “robot” as “Robut”. The sixth episode also has the longest speaking part so far for Leonard Nimoy’s character.

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