Monday 28 August 2017

Moon Shot

            On Sunday morning my back was aching during song practice, but the discomfort went away later on.
In the early afternoon, after waking up from a siesta I heard mousy sort of scratching noises behind some of the drawered furniture in my bedroom. When I got up I pushed the piece in the corner that used to be the three drawers of a desk, hard against the wall. After that the noises stopped. Maybe I killed the mouse.
            In the late afternoon, just before taking my bike ride, I checked on line because I’d forgotten how far the Bloorcourt festival extended. I figured I’d take College maybe until Bathurst and then go back up to Bloor so I wouldn’t be delayed by the road blockage. I found out that the festival had been only a one-day affair, so I headed straight up to Bloor.
            West of Dufferin on Bloor a woman across the street from me was trying to jaywalk but there was too much traffic. When she turned around to walk back to the sidewalk her buttocks were hanging out over the top of her purple sweatpants. She was pulling them up as I passed.
            There were no long lines of buses between St George and Broadview so I assumed the subway was running. Despite the lack of delays though I still didn’t get out to Dawes Road and Danforth as fast as on a weekday. I think it’s because the competition from other cyclists makes me ride faster.
            I explored all the streets and alleys from Sibley to Victoria Park and from Danforth to Dentonia. Victoria Park is technically the beginning of Scarborough but the neighbourhood gets boring while it’s still Toronto. It’s interesting that it seems to be a Muslim part of town but the alleys are not particularly fascinating. I might not bother travelling east of Victoria Park, since my goal is to check out all the streets in Toronto but not Scarborough.
            Sometimes I don’t notice everything in my fridge until everything else is gone. I ran out of margarine, which I’d been using to fry my eggs, but didn’t notice that I had a whole pack of Crisco vegetable shortening that’s been in my icebox for a long time.
            The episode of Maverick that I watched was kind of ridiculous. The nicest guy in a small town turned out to have a split personality that was triggered by alcohol. After blacking out he would rob the stage, then he would put the money in a worthless mine that he owned and forget that he’d put it there until the next time that he was drunk. When Maverick unmasked him no one in the town wanted him arrested because they all loved him so much, even though he’d stolen $45,000 in total from them all. 

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