Tuesday 22 August 2017

Shed Skins its Snake

            Monday was a hot day for a while. I think I’ve only turned my fan on about six times this summer and this was one of those days.
            For lunch I made a soup out of the frozen ground chicken, the carrots, the zucchini, half of the potatoes and some chicken broth that I’d gotten from the food bank.
             In the afternoon I had planned on finally synchronizing the sound and video of a song I’d recorded, but when I got up from a siesta I saw that Windows had taken over my computer to do updates. Instead I worked on some French grammar exercises and then read one of the Simpsons comics that I’d found the week before. After half an hour I got my computer back but then it was time to get ready for my bike ride.
            Near Brunswick and Bloor there was a young, butch looking woman standing on the bike path blocking my way and having a conversation with someone on the sidewalk. I called out to her, “Excuse me!” She spoke in a very formal and politically correct manner as she stepped out of my way, “Oh, I should not be standing on your bike lane! My apologies!” A simple “whoops” would have sufficed.
            On this trip nobody passed me, whereas on the day before three bicycles were faster than mine. I rode to Danforth and Chisholm and then I went north, exploring the side streets that went east to Main Street and the alley in between. I came back down on Barrington, east of Main and did the same with the streets that ran west. I would have been on my way home after that but I went back to the two alleys on either side of Main to take pictures of garages and graffiti.
            When I was going down Yonge Street I also stopped at Gloucester to take a few photos of an old house on the edge of a deep construction site.
            I had some more of the soup for dinner and found that it goes a lot better with the cranberry wine than eggs, especially when you add a little scotch bonnet sauce to the soup.
            After dinner I had some time to work on synchronizing the audio and video for that recording. When the audio was only a little bit behind it made for an interesting echo effect that might work well with a different song but not this one. I finally got it synchronized, which means that I have the audio and video for that whole July 23rd song practice lined up just in case there are other songs that I didn’t screw up very much.

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