Wednesday 9 August 2017

Sunshine Valley: a Toronto Neighbourhood Frozen in Time

            Sunday morning’s song practice was the first one in years when for the whole session I had to tune my guitar with harmonics. I suppose it’s good practice for me but it’s way too time consuming. Also, without a tuner it’s hard for me to know how to set the tone of the low E string, which I use to tune the A string and so on. It would be another four days before I could afford to buy a battery.
            In the early afternoon, Nick Cushing dropped in from Hamilton with two copies of the video he shot of my performance on June 3rd. He gave me a smaller version as well just in case I want to spend less time uploading it to YouTube.
            He sat down at the kitchen table with me and we each had a glass of the flat but cold beer that was left over from the Heineken keg I’d opened.
            He said he’s shot videos of over a hundred bands over the years and he’s sick of it. He told me though that he likes to shoot creative performances and I assumed that he thought that mine met that criterion.
He declared as well that the thrill has gone out of his relationship with driving, which is something that he used to enjoy very much.
After Nick left I took a siesta and when I got up I got ready to take a bike ride. I stopped to use the washroom at the Court Jester. On my way to Woodbine an SUV with Pennsylvania plates just stopped on the hill, holding me and several others up. As I was going around him, a woman doing the same with her SUV shouted out that he was, “A fucking moron!”
I continued to explore the area just north and east of St Clair and O’Connor. Between St Clair and Tiago and Selwyn and Squires there is an oddly shaped neighbourhood that seems to have been designed for isolation from the rest. It’s almost spooky too because the houses are all fairly new little homes but they are made to look like older houses that one might find in some small Ontario towns. Riding around there is like being in an artificial time warp. It turns out though that they are actually old houses but just proudly and very well maintained. The neighbourhood is called Sunshine Valley and the houses were built for returning soldiers from World War II. The community is very worried about new developments that are out of character with the old houses and so they are pushing hard for city hall to declare Sunshine Valley as a heritage conservation district.

That night I had another flat beer with my dinner and watched an episode of Maverick in which a murderer turned out to be a man in drag. For some reason his punishment is to be set free without a horse and still wearing a dress.
Just before bedtime I looked for online guitar tuners. There are several that just give the tones of the notes of the guitar strings but I can always do that with harmonics. I found a chromatic tuner that wanted me to download an email editor so I passed. Finally I found, which seemed to work fine, so I book marked it to use the next day.

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