Saturday 13 January 2018

Nickster Fix-it

            On Friday morning I hadn’t woken up early to pee and so unlike the last few mornings I didn’t go out in the hall to turn the heat on before I got up at 5:00. The apartment was cold at first but once I started my yoga I was quite comfortable and during song practice. The heat came on by itself after that, though it was a relatively warm but rainy morning.
            I got a call at around 12:15 from OCADU telling me that they’d had a model no-show and asking if I’d like to come in and pose. The class had started at 11:50. I told him that I could be there by 13:00, though it probably would have been more like 12:50 but I always give the worst-case scenario. He said okay but then almost immediately called me back to tell me that the scheduled model had arrived after all. I was almost relieved.
            I took a siesta in the early afternoon and just as I was about to get up I got a call from Nick Cushing, who said he’d be at my place in about five minutes. He brought me the replacement for the Picardie tumbler he’d broken. It was not as tall or thick as the original but it’s fine for my purposes. I’ll look out for one that’s closer to the original but that’s on me. I consider Nick to have fulfilled whatever obligation he’d had to replace the glass.
            Nick also reattached the leg of my kitchen table, using pipe strapping. I had fixed it years ago using glue and wood chips to fill up the screw holes so that the screws would catch, but his solution was a lot quicker. He was done in less than half an hour.
            Just after I saw Nick off at the front door, my upstairs neighbour, David came down the stairs. He told me he’d knocked on my door a few times but I hadn’t answered. A few minutes later he knocked again and when I opened the door he handed me a big bottle of Argento white wine. I drank a glass with dinner.
            I finished reading A Streetcar Named Desire. I guess Stanley and Blanche are two sides of disturbing, with Stella as the passive element between them. Williams creates a palpable atmosphere of poor New Orleans. It’s kind of a sad ending and it’s also disturbing that Stanley gets away with raping his sister in law while his wife is having his baby.
            I watched the third episode of Star Trek Discovery. There was some interesting tension created by the fact that the lead character is considered to be a traitor. She doesn’t try to prove herself but she always rises to the occasion. The captain of the Starship Discovery and his security officer seem to have a dark agenda that is unknown to the rest of the crew.

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