Wednesday 3 January 2018


            On Thursday I wanted to drop by Parkdale Legal Services because I wanted to have them check my notice of rent increase to see if it’s on the up and up. The website said they would be open at 14:00, so I timed a trip to Freshco first to buy fruit and yogourt and then I stopped at the legal clinic on my way back. It turns out that their website was not updated to indicate that they would be closed until January 3rd. The thing is though that January 3rd is a Wednesday and they are closed on Wednesdays. The sign clearly stated they would be open on the 3rd so either they’ve changed their schedule or they’ve made another mistake. Hopefully Raja won’t come for the rent until the following weekend after the beginning of the month, since that’s when he and his wife come to take out the garbage and mop the halls. If the increase is legit then my rent will finally go over the $600 mark after 20 years of living there.
            In the evening I was at the computer and I heard a chunk of ice hit my window as a woman on the street called out another woman’s name. She said to someone else, “That’s their apartment!” She was bending over to pick up another piece of ice when I came to stand at the window. She looked up at me and said to her friend, “That’s not their apartment!”
            That night I watched the first episode of the tenth season of Doctor Who. It introduced the Doctor’s new companion, Bill, played by Pearl Mackie and they took great pains in the first few minutes to hit people over the head with the fact that Bill is a lesbian. I like the character, though I still prefer Jenna Coleman. This season finds the Doctor technically trapped on Earth because he’s made a vow to guard the mysterious contents of a vault. So he’s become an extremely popular professor of nothing in particular at a university where the vault is located. He calls Bill to his office because she’s attended all of his lectures even though she is not even a student and he offers to become her private tutor. Meanwhile Bill has met a girl she likes named Heather that has a star in one of her eyes. She finds Heather at one point staring into a puddle in a vacant lot and notices the puddle creates an odd reflection. The reflection is not a reversed image as it should be. Heather is captured and killed by the puddle and then she becomes a water creature that pursues Bill through space and time as the Doctor tries to help her escape. Finally they realize that she is following Bill because the last words to Heather before she was taken were, “I’ll be right around. Promise you won’t go?” Heather had promised. She had to get her to promise to stop and that was the end.

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