Saturday 8 January 2022

Trey Parker

            On Friday morning I worked out the chords for the first verse of “Chasseur d'ivoire” (Ivory Hunter) by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I weighed 86.9 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I worked on cleaning my metal dish rack. It's taking me longer than I expected because of all the little hard to get at intersections of the rods where dirt has accumulated. I got most of it done but I'll have to continue and try to finish it on Sunday. After that I'll clean the counter and the sink, which won't take long, and then I'll put the kitchen cleaning project on hold again until school is over in April. 
            I weighed 86 kilos before lunch. 
            I took a bike ride in the afternoon. I thought I might go as far as Bloor and Ossington but it was bitter cold and so I only went to Bloor and Dovercourt. Next time I'm going to put on another layer before I ride. I weighed 86.1 kilos when I got home. 
            I inserted the video clip of twinkling stars fading to black into the video I'm making for my song “Instructions For Electroshock Therapy” and trimmed it so it only appears during my line, “randomly black out the stars.” After that I tried to synchronize the concert video with the studio audio of me singing “Best of all it doesn't leave any scars.” They line up for the first part of the line but they start to come apart again in the middle of “doesn't.” I might just insert a clip at that point from the catatonic schizophrenia video, then synchronize the concert and studio again when I shout “shock therapy” just before the instrumental. That would be a good point to put the project on hold until April. 
            I finished going through file folder number five of my writing and threw away about fifty pages of stuff that's already been digitized. I just have one folder to go and once I've sorted through it I won't do anything more with the files until spring. Then I'll see if I can organize the files to some degree chronologically. 
            I started reading Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness. It's interesting that the idea of the story being told by an old sailor who's been on a journey seems to be a bit of a nod to “The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It's also interesting when he is comparing the Romans arriving in England and living in fear of the savages there to the modern British Empire exploring and invading elsewhere. 
            I had a potato with gravy and a slice of roast beef while watching the South Park made-for-TV movie, “The Return of Covid.” The story begins in the past, just before covid hits. Kenny has acquired a picture on his phone of Heather Williams farting and so since Heather's mother is an executive at Coors the boys are going to use it to blackmail her for free tickets to the Nuggets game. But just before they can do that they are all sent home from school because of this mysterious new virus. That is the beginning of the end of their broship. 
            Back in the future, Stan, Kyle and their friends can't access Kenny's time machine without his password and so they have to retrieve Kenny's colleague Victor Chouce from the mental institution. They realize when they meet Chouce that it's really Butters, who went insane during the pandemic after his parents grounded him, went to a movie, and never came back. He was grounded and alone for sixteen years and is now extremely dangerous because of his obsession with selling NFTs. Butters escapes by selling NFTs to his guard who loses his life savings in the deal. Cartman gets Butters onto his side. 
            Stan's Alexa orders an identical Alexa for Kyle. Stan has to teach Kyle how to get along with his Alexa and the only way to do that is to give in to every Amazon product that she suggests. But they are able to use their Alexas against Butters to defeat his sales pitches so they can get at Cartman.
            Meanwhile Eric Cartman is obsessed with stopping Kyle from going back in time because he is afraid his beloved wife and children will cease to exist. He forms the Foundation Against Time Travel (FATT) with the plan of using Kenny's time machine to go back in time and kill Kyle. Cartman gets Clyde on his side and Clyde agrees to go back to assassinate Kyle. Cartman and Kyle get into a fight and Cartman is winning until Cartman's wife intervenes and tells him that maybe they will find each other anyway no matter how the past unfolds and so Cartman agrees to help Kyle and Stan. But just then Cartman's son pulls the switch on the time machine and sends Clyde back. They all follow him and just before Clyde can kill the nine-year-old Kyle, the adult Cartman kills Clyde. 
            The adult Stan, Kyle, and Cartman are now trapped in the past but they realize what they need to do to save the future. They go to Heather Williams and use the photo of her farting to blackmail her into arranging for the young Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman to get special guest passes to the Nuggets game. This prevents their friendship from dying. Meanwhile the adult Stan leaves a gift on the doorstep of his father Randy. It is the Tegridy super weed from the future. Randy develops it and starts to distribute it for free and it causes everyone to forgive each other for their pandemic behaviour and changes the whole future. Back in the future everyone is happy except for Cartman who has become a homeless alcoholic.
            Trey Parker is the co-creator, with Matt Stone of South Park. Parker was influenced from an early age by Monty Python and the animations of Terry Gilliam. He and Stone met as students at the University of Colorado where their first big project was “Cannibal: The Musical.” Their second movie was “Orgazmo” about a reluctant Mormon porn star. They had a big success with “Team America World Police.” In South Park he does the voice of Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman and Randy Marsh, among many others. He considers Elton John a hero and plays keyboard for the band DVDA. He and Matt Stone both wore dresses to the 72nd Academy Awards. The dresses had already been made famous by Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow at a previous Oscars night. He writes almost every original song that is featured in South Park. Their favourite episode of South Park is “Terrence and Philip: Not Without My Anus.” Their musical “The Book of Mormon” received three Tony nominations.

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