Thursday 26 October 2023

Moldings Were Made for the Masking of Mistakes

            On Wednesday morning I finished memorizing “L'amour de moi” (The Love of My Life) by Serge Gainsbourg. I searched for the chords but the title accompanied by the English word “chords” turned up nothing. They might turn up when I look for “accords” and I’ll do that but I thought I’d see if they are posted for “L'amour de moy” the 15th Century song on which Gainsbourg’s song is based. From that search Ultimate Guitar had a set of chords from Nana Mouskouri’s version. Hers only has three verses and an outro and it turns out that the second and third verses of “L'amour de moy” are structured differently from Gainsbourg’s song and have different chords. It appears that Gainsbourg only borrowed the melody of the first and third verses and applied it to all of his verses. I assume others besides Mouskouri have done the original song and so there might be more chords for that online. I’ll look for them tomorrow. 
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the second day of two. 
            I weighed 86 kilos before breakfast. 
            I cleared away some of the excess, dried construction glue that squeezed out from under the Masonite that I glued down a few days ago. I went to the hardware store to but a small tube of more construction glue to glue the molding down to cover the gap between the Masonite and the bottom of the kitchen counter. I noticed that No More Nails was on sale at almost half the price of the same size tube of construction glue. I asked one of the floor staff if No More Nails is just as good for just putting on a molding and she didn’t have a clear answer, so I asked someone else. He said that it should be fine, plus it doesn’t need more than a couple of hours of being held in place. I asked as well about floor paint and found that the colours are limited. I could get white but not black. If I put another black paint down with the white floor paint for a checkerboard pattern it wouldn’t have a matching shine. I think maybe I won’t use floor paint then. He suggested I should shellac after painting but I think that might discolour the white part of the checkerboard effect. I’ll ask when I buy the paint. Anyway here's a before and after of the space without and with the molding.

            I weighed 85.8 kilos before lunch. I had Cheezit crackers with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of limeade. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I spent about half an hour chiseling quartz from a piece of the rock that I found six years ago. I knocked off the last of the amethyst and now there’s just the black quartz left. 
            I weighed 85.2 kilos at 17:30. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:24. 
            In the Movie Maker project for my August 11 acoustic performance of the song “Le temps des yé-yé” I added a fade to black effect and tried a few other effects but for each try I had to close and restart Movie Maker. I tried various effects of making the video look like old film but that didn’t look good. I settled on turning to grey scale and that looked surprisingly good with the light that was coming in that day. I published it and then I selected a couple of images from the original video to later turn to grey scale as well and to use as thumbnails for the You Tube video. I’ll probably upload it to YouTube tomorrow. Then I’ll work on synchronizing the audio and video for the electric version I selected. 
            I downloaded a clip from Ziegfeld Girl starring Lana Turner that features women in elaborate costumes, including headdresses of stars, descending a spiral stairway in a Ziegfeld Follies style grand entrance. I converted it to WMV and imported it into the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song Megaphor. I edited out everything but the women. I’m going to try to reverse some of it as it ends with the camera moving back to show all of the women on the stairway and the curtain closing. I want the curtain to open and show all of the women and then pan in to show them closer. I only need about four seconds though so I have to cut a lot more out. 
            I cleaned and scanned another uncut set of colour negatives. There are shots of my daughter’s mother Nancy so I assume they are from early 1990. One reason is that I think my camera was stolen in early 1990. Another reason is that Nancy looks quite beautiful in the photos and so it must have been after I took her virginity because she got really quite attractive once she was getting fucked regularly. 
            I made pizza on naan with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 2, episodes 8 and 9 of Green Acres. 
            In the first story Eb falls for Betty Joe Bradley. Oliver asks why they never dated since they grew up together. Eb says she never asked him out. We never learn anything about Eb’s background. He acts as if Oliver and Lisa are his adopted parents. Eb wants Oliver to tell him about the birds and the bees. He tells Eb about first meeting Lisa and asking her out. But a few episodes ago we heard that they met during WWII when Oliver’s plane engine conked and he had to parachute into German occupied Hungary. In this story however they meet on a ship owned by her father that is crossing the Atlantic. He asks her for a date and they go to an expensive place where they get a horrible table near the kitchen and the waiter keeps thinking Oliver is ordering more champagne. He has to buy a candle for their table from the cigarette girl. Eb asks Betty out and she says yes. Oliver tells Eb not to let the girl decide where to go. Betty suggests a movie followed by a burger. When Eb says he’s not going to let her take advantage of him she calls it off. Oliver has to talk to Betty and smooth things over. The night of the date Oliver gives Eb some roses to give to Betty. But Eb comes home saying that the date was canceled because Betty had an allergic reaction to the roses. 
            In the second story Oliver has a different business suit for every farm chore. But Fred Ziffel, Newt Kylie and Mr. Haney discuss among themselves that it’s bad for Hooterville’s image for a farmer to dress that way. They say he needs to be made to conform. They decide to show him how ridiculous he looks by doing their farm chores in suits. Finally Oliver gives in and gets some overalls but then the farmers say he has to start wearing suits again because when their wives saw how good they looked in suits, they burned their overalls. Of course they’ll all be back in overalls next episode and this story will have been forgotten by the writers.

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