Thursday 27 February 2020

SS No No Yes Yes

            On Wednesday morning I memorized the first verse of Serge Gainsbourg's “Est-ce est-ce si bon" which literally means "Is it is it so good" but it's a play on words that sounds like "SS is so good". The song is also a tongue twister with lots of “S” words and on top of that he sings it very fast. I have to learn it by reciting it at about a third the normal speed.
            I continued typing and researching my Indigenous Studies lecture notes.
            I had a toasted pastrami and old cheddar sandwich for lunch.
            Someone was hammering the ceiling directly below my desk and my tea mug was jumping,
            I finished typing my lecture notes.
            For dinner I had another naan pizza with sauce and old cheddar and a beer while watching the last of the 1961 made-for-TV Zorro movies. In this story the guest star was Ricardo Montalban and he played Ramon Castillo an old fencing rival of Diego. Ramon was defeated by Diego for the Royal Trophy in Spain. Ramon and his friend Marcos arrive in Los Angeles and learn that the soldier’s payroll will be delivered soon. They plot to steal it but meanwhile Ramon learns that Diego is in Los Angeles. He wants a fencing rematch with Diego but in order to protect his secret identity as Zorro, Diego has built a local reputation as an inept swordsman. But that night when Ramon and Marcos try to rob the payroll, Zorro foils their efforts. After fencing with Zorro and having Zorro disarm him in a familiar way, Ramon knows that Zorro is Diego. When he tells people this they laugh at him and so he places bets that he can prove that night that Zorro is Diego. The bets are collected and held by the innkeeper. A trap is set for Zorro as Ramon collaborates with the innkeeper who agrees to be tied up to make the “ruse” look authentic. But then Marcos lets it slip that they really would be stealing the money. Meanwhile Diego pretends to be enthusiastic about helping Garcia capture Zorro and displays such clumsy swordsmanship that Garcia locks him in his quarters. This is what Diego hoped would happen. Bernardo drops a rope down the chimney so Diego can climb out and change to Zorro. Zorro defeats Ramon again and mocks him by taking off his mask when no one else is looking. Ramon and Marcos are arrested but they still insist on winning the bet. They tell Garcia that his quarters will be empty but Diego is there. Ramon and Marcos are taken away and the last person shown in the Zorro series is Garcia happily counting his winnings.

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