Friday 7 February 2020

Stolen Kiss

            On Thursday morning I didn’t hear my alarm and I woke up at 5:25. When I looked at 5:25 on my phone my first thought was “May 25? That can't be right!" I got up at 5:26 but after yoga when I started song practice I was only sixteen minutes behind schedule, so I must have counted faster while holding my yoga poses. For the first half of song practice I only did the first verse and chorus of all the songs and ended up ten minutes ahead of schedule.
            I finished memorizing “Tata Teutonne” (Tata Teutonic) by Serge Gainsbourg and then looked for the chords but no one had posted them. On Friday morning I'll start working them out.
            I tidied up in the kitchen and put away the last of the pieces of wood that I’d put on the floor a few weeks before when I’d cleared off the hallway shelf. I moved them all to the upper storage area in the bedroom but they’re all kind of sticking up in an odd way right now. I’ll have to find a better arrangement later.
            At midday I rode through the dirty slush to Freshco. All of their grapes were too soft and so I bought five bags of cherries. I also got a beef sirloin tip, a block of two-year-old Canadian cheddar, a container of yogourt and a jar of honey. I looked for Earl Grey tea but all they had was the decaffeinated kind. I settled for orange pekoe.
            After I paid for my food I stopped just before the exit to get some money from the bank machine. An old Portuguese man was sitting on the bench by the door while loudly singing and talking to himself. Perhaps I made putting my backpack on look harder than it was because the old man said to me, “Too heavy!” I responded, "It's okay, thanks" although I don’t know what I was thanking him for.
            As I stopped my bike in front of my place a guy was walking by and talking loudly to himself. I actually sounded like he was narrating a documentary about the original Captain Marvel as he said; “He gets his powers from the Rock of Eternity."
            I had a carton of tomato and roasted red pepper soup for lunch with a bowl of potato chips.
            In the afternoon I did my exercises while listening to Amos and Andy. In this story Kingfish has gotten a job as a census taker but his feet are so sore after the first day that he wants to quit. Sapphire insists that he keep the job because he’s never had a job in his life. She says that even during the war when everyone was working he didn’t do anything. He says, “That wasn’t my fault. At the beginning of the war they froze everybody in their present job. I was out of work and so it was my patriotic duty to be a bum for the duration.” Kingfish decides to trick Andy into doing the work for him for free. He convinces him that he's been drafted to do the census and so he agrees to do his duty. Andy walks and walks and gets more and more tired until it’s almost midnight and he barely knows what he’s saying. He knocks on the door of a frightened housewife whose husband is away and immediately asks, “All right, how much money is you got?” She closes the door and calls the police. The next day Andy and Kingfish hear the police are looking for the man that came to the door. Kingfish is sure they’ll arrest Andy and he’s okay with that but then the police arrive and arrest him because Andy had dropped a fountain pen at the woman’s door with the name George Stevens on it. In jail Kingfish dreams he’s going to get the electric chair. But Andy explains the situation to the police and they let Kingfish go. That night Kingfish goes back to census taking but then he is punched by a jealous husband who comes home early because he suspects his wife of seeing another man.
            I flushed out my ears.
            I did more research on Indigenous day schools.
            I marinated the beef sirloin tip in lemon caper sauce and roasted it while continuing to marinate. Although the lemon caper sauce was designed for fish it worked surprisingly well with the beef. I had a slice with a potato and gravy while watching Zorro.
            In this story Joe Crane is still on the run but refuses to go back to the mountains until he gets his furs back from Los Angeles. The soldiers are looking for him but he comes to the home of Carlotta and her father. She says she will only shelter him if he takes a bath and allows her to wash his clothes. He argues that he had a bath two years ago but she insists. While he is in the barrel the soldiers come but he submerges. Sgt Garcia finds Joe’s hat. Meanwhile Don Carlos and his man have a vicious but trained half wolf they plan on using to track Joe. They need an item of Joe’s for Lobo to pick up his scent and remember that Joe left his rifle in the tavern. But Diego gets to the gun first and puts his own scent all over it. Lobo goes after Diego and so Carlos’s man has to stop him. Carlotta forms a plan to help Joe get his furs. That evening when the soldiers are in the tavern she gives them extra wine and starts them singing to occupy them. But Carlos’s man sees that Garcia has Joe's hat and he steals it so Lobo can sniff it. Lobo comes after Joe but he sets a trap for him. Carlos and his man capture Joe anyway and are about to hang him when Zorro arrives. Zorro ties the noose around Carlos’s torso and suspends him while he duels with his man while Joe runs to Carlotta. He tells her he’ll come back later for the furs but he steals another kiss before leaving.

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