Friday 6 March 2020

Hoisted on His own Picard

            On Thursday morning I finished working out the chords for “Yellow Star” by Serge Gainsbourg and started posting it on Christian's Translations. I did everything but upload the video.
            I worked on my journal brought it up to only being a day behind.
            Around midday I went to Freshco where I bought three bags of grapes, two pints of strawberries, two cans of peaches, a jug of orange juice and a carton of soymilk.
            I had peanuts and soymilk for lunch.
            In the afternoon I got caught up on my journal.
            I had a very week wifi connection in the early evening and couldn’t post anything. I had to read my Indigenous Studies textbook instead. After about two hours things started to move again.
For dinner I had three potatoes and gravy while watching the first episode of Star Trek Picard.
Spoiler alert!
            Picard is a retired admiral living a quiet life on his vineyard in France with his dog Number One and his friends Elnor and Raffi. Picard is having a lot of vivid and cryptic dreams about Data who died to save Picard in Star Trek Nemesis. Meanwhile a young woman named Dahj is having a quiet night at home with her boyfriend when suddenly assassins teleport into her apartment, kill her boyfriend and attack her, demanding information. They put a black sack over her head to restrain her but with her sight impaired she suddenly transforms into a fighting machine. Within seconds she has killed all of her assailants but when she removes the bag from her head she is surprised at what she has done. She has a vision of Jean Luc Picard as someone she can trust and she seeks him out. He graciously and sympathetically welcomes her in his home and she tells him what happened. She spends the night and that night Picard dreams he finds Data in the vineyard painting a picture of Dahj. When he wakes he finds that Dahj left in the middle of the night. The dream that Picard had sparked a memory and he goes to his storage unit where he sees that he has a painting of Dahj that Data had made decades ago and entitled it “Daughter”. Dahj calls her mother who tells her to go back to Picard but Dahj never told her that she had gone to him in the first place. Dahj hacks a very advanced holographic version of what we know as the internet and finds Picard's exact location. She comes to him and he tells her that he thinks she is a synthetic. She denies it because the Synthetics have been outlawed because of what they did to the Martian colony and even she thinks of them as murderers. He says he thinks she is Data’s daughter. Suddenly more assassins appear and they are clearly Romulan. Dahj kills them all but the last one spits a chemical on her that causes her to explode. Picard goes to the Daystrom Institute to talk with Dr Agnes Jurati about the possibility that Dahj was a synthetic. At first she denies the possibility but admits that she could have been made from data’s synthetic DNA. She adds that they were always produced as twins and so Dahj would have to have a twin sister. The scene changes to a Romulan reclamation site inside of a captured Borg Cube. There we see Dahj’s sister Soji who has just arrived to work as a researcher there.
Dahj is played by Isa Briones, who played Matt Dillon’s daughter in the movie “Takers”.

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