Thursday 26 March 2020

Poached on Toast

            On Sunday morning I dreamed I was in a diner and feeling shy when an attractive middle-aged maternal looking woman asked me if she could get me something. I asked for a poached egg and one piece of toast. I felt the urge to say that I also wanted a bowl of porridge but I didn't because I realized that I didn't want oatmeal.
            Shortly after I started yoga I felt the urge to have a bowel movement but I pushed it back because it was the wrong time of day. It made yoga very uncomfortable and there was really no need to hold back from going since it wasn’t going to throw off my schedule. My schedule right now just involves putting most of my time towards finish my Indigenous Studies research paper. Whatever time it would take to defecate would be the same now as later. It would only have been a problem if I were on my normal morning routine of yoga followed by song practice, trailed by various other projects, which I like to fit into time allotments. Three quarters of the way through yoga, during backward bending floor work I couldn't stand it anymore (It tends to be backward bending that does it on the rare occasions when I have to shit during yoga). Once I’d pooped I could see why I had to go so badly. NASA had already detected my turd and was beginning to plan to land a probe on it when I flushed it down. When I got back to yoga I’d only lost eight minutes.
            All but one of the mangoes from the three net bags that I’d bought on Saturday were bad. If I’d had the time I would have taken them back for an exchange.
            I went to sleep from 9:00 until 10:45.
            In the late morning the wifi faded out from the café across the street. I had been using it as usual for bits of research as I worked on my essay. I saw that the signal was very strong from the A+ Sushi and Bibim across the street and so I decided to go over there to see if they had an unchanging password. I was their first customer and they greeted me enthusiastically until I sat down at a table. I was told that they were only open for take out. I said, “Okay, I’ll look at a menu.” The woman said, “Excuse me you cannot sit HERE!” and she pointed at a sign on the door. She said, “It’s illegal” and pointed again at the sign. As I got up to leave she said, “Great problems these days!” Is it really illegal to sit in restaurants now?
            The wifi network of the café across the street shut off last weekend as well. I don’t think there is anyone inside to shut it off and so it must be just competition from other computers.
            I noticed a signal from the A&W quite a ways away but when I tried to connect to it I was asked for a password. I thought of riding up there but then thought that they might not allow me to sit down either.
            My wifi came back on for a few minutes at 14:00 but then went off again. It went back and forth a few times.
            I slept from 15:00 to 16:15.
            I still had only short moments of wifi and so it was difficult to do research.
            At around 19:00 I could hear my landlord in the hall flipping breakers. Those breakers don’t control the west side of my apartment where the computer is but a few minutes later the power went off. Shortly, it came back on but after loading my essay and beginning to type what I’d lost, it went off again. This happened again just after I’d restarted my computer. I went out to look for Raja and saw his helper going down the stairs. He was surprised my power was off. He told me Raja was upstairs at Cesar’s place. I found him there where he was trying fix some problem there that had caused the power to go off. He told me it would be another half an hour. I washed my dishes and waited and it was about thirty minutes before the power came back on. Raja called me and asked if it was on. He said it wouldn’t go off again today but warned me that on Tuesday they would need to shut it off for a while.
            When I started my computer I discovered that all of my torrents had been deleted just as they were a few months ago. I assume that it was when the power shut off while they were loading that they were shocked out of existence. Nothing that really began to download is lost and when I find and reload the torrents they will start from where they left off, but it’s just a hassle digging them up again.
            I worked on my research paper until midnight and was barely able to go online at all. I had almost completed a first draft when I went to bed.

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