Sunday 26 September 2021

Sleep Drunk

            On Saturday after midnight I did my usual search for bedbugs and found none. That made it nine days since I've seen any. I was going to wait until I saw none for two weeks before using my comforter but it was cold and the night before I hadn't slept very well with just a sheet over my naked body and so I decided to risk it. I had a good sleep and didn't even get up at 2:00 to pee, which caused me to pee like Auston Powers when I got up at 5:00. 
            There was no dramatic progress in the mobility of my sprained arm during yoga but I assume it's continuing to heal. 
            I worked out most of the chords for the first verse of "U.S.S.R. / U.S.A." by Serge Gainsbourg. I might almost have it finished tomorrow. 
            I weighed 88.8 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around noon I went out to No Frills. The guy with Down's Syndrome who begs outside asked me to get him something but I said, "Sorry." I thought that I might get him something after all but once I was inside I forgot. Both the red and green grapes were cheap but the red ones were mostly soft so I only got one bag and four bags of the green ones. I also bought a pack of toilet paper, four bags of skim milk, a bag of flour, mango and lime salsa, two cartons of spoon size shredded wheat, orange juice, lemonade, skyr and extra old cheddar.
            I weighed 89.4 kilos before lunch. I had crackers with five year old cheddar and a glass of limeade. 
            In the early afternoon I took a siesta as usual. Sometimes when I wake my surroundings seem wrong and things appear to be missing. This afternoon when I woke I looked at a shelf and noticed that something that should be there wasn't. I contemplated the possibility that I'd been robbed, but upon more clearly waking I realized the thing that I thought should be there had never been there and that it wasn't even in my possession. At such times it's as if I've arrived from some alternative reality and I'm adjusting to the differences.
            It was raining when I got up but then it stopped when I was posting my blog. When I'd finished it had started again and so I decided to do some exercises at home while listening to a YouTube video of a performance of The Comedy of Errors. Once I'd started exercising the rain stopped again but I decided I didn't want to be teased anymore by the weather and so I stayed home from cycling to spite it.
            This production was better than the last one I'd watched but there were these annoying sound effects of an ocean storm that nearly drowned out Aegeon's origin speech to the Duke.
            I weighed 89.2 kilos at 17:45. 
            I re-read out loud about half of "The Comedy of Errors" and most of Emerson's "Self Reliance."
            I made pizza on naan with Napolese sauce, a can of mushrooms and extra old cheddar. I topped it with hot sauce and had it with a beer while watching an episode of Gomer Pyle. 
            In this story a general and a congressman named Travers are coming to the base and so Sergeant Hacker is required to accept an extra man from Carter's platoon to work in his kitchen. Carter gives him Gomer because he has to take the men on an exercise using live ammunition and he doesn't want Gomer anywhere near it. Hacker decides he will be safe if all Gomer has to do is peel potatoes. While the general is discussing breakfast with Hacker Gomer approaches Hacker to tell him he's peeled all the potatoes and chopped all the cabbage. The general sees Gomer as efficient and responsible and so he selects Gomer to pour the coffee at the breakfast. Gomer is making sure everyone's cups are full but just as Travers has let his coffee cool to the right temperature Gomer tops it up and Travers burns his mouth. At first the congressman is angry until Gomer offers to saucer and blow the coffee. It's apparently a term from the south and Travers asks Gomer where he's from. When he says Mayberry, North Carolina the congressman knows it well because he's the congressman from North Carolina. When Gomer learns Travers's name he recognizes him and tells him that he kissed him when he was a baby. Travers is so impressed with Gomer that he insists he join them for breakfast. Later he asks why after three and a half years Gomer hasn't been promoted to corporal. This question gets asked down the ranks until Carter is ordered to prepare Gomer to be a corporal. But everything Carter tries to get Gomer to rise to leadership fails and finally he gives up, even if it means losing his stripes. But Gomer saves the day again by talking with Travers and explaining that no one could have tried harder than Carter but he's just not ready.

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