Tuesday 29 December 2020

Emily Coutts

            On Monday morning I found the lyrics for “Mozart avec nous” (Mozart is With Us) by Boris Vian and started trying to translate it but got stuck on a couple of words in the first line. “Au temps des dorures et des falbalas” didn't have "dorures" spelled right and "falbalas" was too obscure to find an immediate translation. But it means extravagantly ornamented. So basically the line means “In the time of gold ornaments and frills." But whether my translation of the line stays like this will depend on what it needs to rhyme with. 
            I memorized the first three verses of “Enregistrement” (Documentation) by Serge Gainsbourg and adjusted my translation of the final verse. 
            I’d planned on taking my guitar to Remenyi today but it was pretty wet outside and so I decided to wait for the streets to dry out. 
            Around midday I removed all the spice containers from the lower shelf above my stove and washed the wall from the wall down to the stove, as well as the shelf. The problem is that that old fibre board shelf has suffered from being above the stove and the veneer has peeled off and warped because of the heat. I have to buy another board for the third shelf I’m making so maybe I'll just buy two while everything is clear. 
            I started this chore after taking a shower but usually that doesn’t take all the hot water. Someone else must has used up the rest at the same time because the water was cold and so I had to pour a pot and a kettle of boiling water into the sink and add water from the tap to make it tolerable for washing with. 
            For lunch I had a turkey neck and wing with homemade cranberry sauce. 
            In the afternoon I did my exercises while listening to season four, episode three of The Goon Show: 

            Chapter one: The Ghastly Experiments of Doctor Hans Eidelburger and his sinister Oriental assistant, Yakamoto. “Ha, ha, ha. Just one more cut, here!” “Honourable doctor has completed another ghastly experiment." “Only a few more now." “Only one drawback – we have run out of honourable victims.” “You didn’t order another dozen as I told you?" “Ah, no. Today, early closing.” Secombe takes a taxi to the doctor’s lab. “What’s it say on the clock?” "Quarter to four." “I’ve only got a five past five." “Oh, that’s alright, sir. I’ve got change." “Thank you and here’s a couple of minutes for yourself.” To make the story short the doctor tries to run a steamroller over Secombe's face but the taxi driver returns because he'd been paid in counterfeit time. He helps Secombe defeat the doctor. The next story is “The Mount Everest Project." Lord Harry Seagoon is addressing parliament: “My Lords, Britain we have the world’s largest navy, the world’s largest army and… the world’s finest plums. But one thing we have not got on this island is the world’s highest mountain. But I intend to rectify this geographical discrepancy by bringing Mount Everest here.” "Does the Honourable Member know what he’s talking about?” “I’m not supposed to, I’m a politician.” Crun: "First, the whole mountain will have to be chopped down. Next, it will be sawn into several 12 and ¾ inch blocks.” Bloodnok is surveying the mountain with the help of Eccles. “Now… now we’ll see how tall it is, shall we?” "Hello, down there! I’ve reached 40,000 feet!” “Well, you’d better come down a bit! It’s only 30,000 feet high!” “How far can you see?” “I can see all around the world to the back of a man standing on top of a mountain! Oooh, hey, it’s me! It’s me! I can see the back of me!" “I wish we all could.” Crun asks the black bandleader Ellington "Are you telling me white lies?” "Man, that’s the one kind I couldn’t tell!” Seagoon asks Crun, " Ah. Mister Crun, before I leave for Government House, could you help me check this list of crated stores?” “What’s in crate number 2?” “Crate number 3.” “Well, what’s in crate number 3?” “Nothing.” "What's the idea of that?" "To make it lighter." Everest was chopped down, wrapped in brown paper and shipped to England but the ship sank in a storm and Everest is to this day at the bottom of the sea. Hillary later climbed the tallest empty space in the world. 

            I edited and published a video of my performance of “Le serpent qui danse". Next I'll find which version of my translation I'd like to upload. It would be great if it was one I've already synchronized. 
            I worked on my poem series “My Blood in a Bug.” 
            I scanned some more 80s black and white negatives and uploaded the contents of the scanner to a folder. 
            I had a potato, a chicken leg and gravy for dinner while watching the second episode of the third season of Star Trek Discovery. This was more like what I expect from Star Trek that the Star Warsy first episode. 
            Spoiler alert! 
            Discovery has come through the wormhole but everything is offline. They crash onto a planet but manage to get systems up just enough to keep them from dying. There are a lot of injuries and Hugh has to bring Paul out of his induced coma just to have access to his bed to treat the injured. There seems to be some damage to Keyla’s cybernetic implants but she doesn’t mention it. The planet seems to have an artificial atmosphere and they have detected life. Paul has disobeyed Hugh’s orders to rest and has gone to try to try to get the ship back online. Jet injured her back taking on the G forces of entry without shields and she can’t really physically help but she is following Paul around it seems just to bug him because he hates her but she’s really looking out for him. Saru takes Tilly on a recon mission and they see a human figure. They follow and are transported to a building where men draw weapons on them. The men know they came in a Starfleet vessel but want proof they are Starfleet. Tilly proves it by reciting some Starfleet regulations regarding first contact. These men are miners and they have been waiting for Starfleet for a long time. They are forced labour serving a brutal gangster named Zareh who arrives with his men. From the energies emitted by Discovery just before it crashed and from the things that Saru and Tilly don't know, Zareh deduces that they are time travellers. He kills one of the miners and then negotiates with Saru to acquire dilithium from Discovery. He tells Tilly she is going to get it while Saru stays there. The thing is this is an ice planet and night is falling. The ice is parasitic and gets into everything. It is already threatening to crush Discovery. Suddenly Zareh’s men bring in Georgio, whom they found wandering outside. She gives Zareh her natural attitude and he sets his weapon to torture and continuously fires at her. She kicks a barrel and knocks him over and starts kicking ass. Saru goes into predator mode and starts shooting quills from his forehead. Georgio wants to kill Zareh but Saru won’t let her. He lets the miners decide his fate and they send him out into the deadly cold. The miners give Saru, Tilly and Georgio personal transporters and they go back to the ship just as Paul has successfully brought it online by following Jet’s instructions. They are trying to free Discovery from the ice and it's not going smoothly just as a ship comes and catches them in a tractor beam. They can either fire or open a channel and Saru chooses the latter. On the screen is Michael. She says she’s been waiting for them for a year. 
            The Tilly actor Mary Wiseman looks pregnant. She got married in February of 2019 and she had a baby later in the year and so I assume she was actually pregnant during shooting. She definitely looks a lot puffier and considering that it’s only been minutes since we saw her at the end of season 2 it looks a bit weird to see her physically different than before. It would be just as weird if she’d started out bigger and suddenly got skinny. 
            I assume with whatever has secretly happened to Keyla we will see it revealed and see her character develop some more. Emily Coutts is a Canadian actor who didn’t do much besides producing, writing and acting in various web series before Discovery.  

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