Friday 2 June 2023

Miko Mayama

            On Thursday morning I memorized the third verse of "Que tu es impatiente, la mort" (Death You're So Impatient) by Boris Vian. 
            I memorized the fifth verse of "Vieille Canaille" (Old Rascal) by Serge Gainsbourg. There's just one verse left to learn and I should have that done on Friday. 
            I decided to try to record my song practice this morning since last year I made my first effort on June 1 too. But when I tried to record video I found that the battery was not charged. A couple of days ago I had plugged in the charger and it showed green but that was surprising since it had been several months since I'd used the camera. Sometimes chargers initially show green before they know what they're doing. I guess I should have waited and double checked. Anyway I decided to try recording the audio in Ableton since I'd never recorded both vocals and guitar together before and I anticipated problems that I'd rather have solved before I start recording video. At first I couldn't arm both tracks so I had to go online and check forums for the problem. The solution was to press control + C on the other track to arm it. Also at first I was getting reverb and I think I was able to get rid of that by just switching to Auto. Later the reverb was gone whether Auto was on or not. Maybe it has to establish a default. Song practice took longer than usual because of all the problems I had to check forums for online, so I had to shorten most every song. It was my first time doing song practice with the Kramer in many years and I have to get used to playing it again. The guitar fades in and out and loses volume but that happened with the Rocker when I was playing it during the time my Washburn was getting repaired. I'm pretty sure I need a new cable. I'll drop by Long and McQuade and get one later today. 
            I weighed 86.3 kilos before breakfast. 
            Because of the extended song practice I lost about half an hour of my usual morning. After shaving and showering there wasn't really any time to finish cleaning the bathroom so I just went out and paid for my June phone service and then paid the rent online. 
            I weighed 86.1 kilos before lunch. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride and stopped off at Long and McQuade to buy a guitar cable. I got a 6.1 meter DLX cable for $52. I rode to Yonge and Bloor, down to Richmond, west to Peter, north to Queen and west to Gladstone where I went to Freshco. I bought five bags of cherries, a pack of blueberries, a pack of strawberries, bananas, two packs of five-year-old cheddar, two pork chops, three bags of milk, a box of spoon size shredded wheat, a jar of salsa, shaving gel, and toothpaste. 
            I weighed 85.3 kilos at 17:45. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:53. 
            In Movie Maker I finished synchronizing the microphone audio with the video of part B of my June 19, 2022 song practice. I already had that project saved as "Baby Pop" but now I saved it as 2022-06-19 Song Practice B just in case I need any more songs from that session. Then I switched back to "Baby Pop" and cut the whole session leading up to the beginning of "Baby Pop". I'll probably have the song isolated, made into a movie and uploaded to YouTube tomorrow. 
            I continued searching for video clips that might fit the line "refer to current literature" from my song "Instructions for Electroshock Therapy". The 1926 German silent film "Faust" might work. There is a book and fake lightning. 
            I grilled two porkchops and had one with a potato and gravy. The gravy that I made on Tuesday was too thick and so I added the porkchop drippings and it turned out with a better consistency and very tasty. I ate while watching season 9, episodes 18 and 19 of The Beverly Hillbillies. 
            In the first story Jed and Jethro are still living a luxurious life with Banzai's geishas waiting on them hand and foot. Granny and Elly are still living in Jane's tiny apartment with Helen, Suzy and Betty. Granny is using Jane's iron for cooking and she's making a smelly batch of swamp surprise with alligator, crawdad, and water moccasin simmered in a toad stock. This show is not very consistent. Early on they were eating toads but later they found frog's legs disgusting. Now they are back to eating toads. They decide to take the swamp surprise to tempt Jed and Jethro into giving up being chauvinist pigs. Granny finds Jethro and Jed asleep from overeating and pleasure but she thinks they are dead from starvation. When Jethro wakes up he finds the swamp surprise to smell disgusting. Granny and Jane meet the three geishas and take them back to Jane's apartment. They are converted to women's lib. Jane, Granny and Suzy decide to dress as geishas and go back to teach Jed, Jethro and Drysdale a lesson. Jethro gets hot tea poured on his head and Drysdale gets a Japanese stringed instrument broken on his head. They reveal themselves and Drysdale begs Granny not to take their money out of his bank. Drysdale will have to sign a contract to meet the demands of his secretaries. 
            In the second story Drysdale is presented with a contract his secretaries want him to sign. Each girl's salary must be linked to the cost of living index; no girl shall receive less than the federal minimum hourly wage; in case of litigation Mr. Drysdale will pay all legal costs; and Mr. Drysdale will pay to repair Helen's car that Banzai broke in two under Drysdale's orders. Drysdale has Banzai take the contract away from Jane. Miko the head geisha moves back in with the Clampetts. There are apparently romantic feelings between her and Banzai and he's unhappy with her because she embraced feminism. Granny says she can stay until he changes his tune. Jane asks Granny to get the contract back from Banzai. She goes to the bank and throws Banzai through a door. She makes him give Jane the contract and makes him agree to fix Helen's car. Jethro has run away from home and so Jane lets him stay in her place while she moves in with the Clampetts. Elly May dresses up like a geisha and Elly and Granny start teaching Miko some of the western ways. Banzai comes to the Clampett house and says he'll promise anything to get Miko back. Miko comes running down the stairs in pigtails and jeans. She says, "Well doggies if it ain't old Banzai! Howdy y'all!" 
            Miko was played by Miko Mayama, who started in Kabuki Theatre in Japan. She met Burt Reynolds when he was shooting "Impasse" in Japan and she was playing a supporting role. They became lovers and he brought her to the US where they lived together for four years. She learned English from watching Bugs Bunny cartoons and her first English words to Burt were "What's up Doc?" She was a regular in the sitcom "Hey Landlord". She co-starred in the Blacksploitation film "That Man Bolt". She played Tamura in the original Star Trek episode A Taste of Armageddon.

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