Saturday 9 January 2021

Oyin Oladejo

            On Thursday morning I just had one line left to translate for “Mozart avec nous” (Mozart is with Us) by Boris Vian. I need to find a line that says “We have to live well" but that ends in something that rhymes with “ah". 
            I finished working out the chords for “Ex-fan des sixties” by Serge Gainsbourg and started editing it on Christian’s Translations. 
            My B string continues to go out of tune despite the new machine from Washburn, but I don’t feel like having the guitar shipped to the company just yet. I get tired of carrying guitars back and forth to Remenyi and I want to relax before starting school again on Monday. 
            In the late morning I figured out how to remove the glass from the face of the clock on my stove, but it involved first pulling the whole clock out because the glass had to be removed from the back. While cleaning the frame containing the glass I saw that the glass was not firmly placed in the frame. While trying to press it in I broke the glass. I had to throw the glass away. I cleaned all the ten year old cockroach corpses out of the clock. While I was trying to put the frame back over the face I got a shock and realized that I’d better unplug the stove. Once I’d cleaned my clock and put it back into place I started scrubbing the black off of my kettle. It was very time consuming because of the grooves around the brackets that hold each side of the handle. I only got the top nice and shiny and I’ll save the sides and the spout for next time. 

            I had black beans, salsa and potato chips for lunch. 
            In the afternoon I posted my blog and then went for a bike ride. On the sidewalk I met my upstairs neighbour David. He said he would drop off three webcams for me later. I started riding at 17:20 and figured that if I rode until 17:34 and headed back I’d get home at around sunset. It was bright outside for a change. I got to Ossington and Bloor at 17:35 and headed south to Queen and then home. I was home at 17:51 so I could have ridden to Bathurst before coming home.
            When I got home there was a bag of webcams hanging from my door. The Logitech orbit cam is bigger than a baseball; the DSY and the other one whose logo I didn't recognize are regular sized. I didn't try them yet. 
            I reformatted the songs “Kenya” and "Mamadu" from my June 19th recording session From MOV to WMV and deleted the MOV file. I also deleted my June 20 session. I might save one song from June 21 to WMV before I delete that MOV recording as well. Each MOV file for a song practice is three gigabytes. 
            I worked some more on trying to clear up the graffiti on my skateboard photo. I made some progress but concluded that it’s impossible to fully discern the letters, so I'll move on to working on the larger image. 
            I translated a few lines of Jacques Prevert’s “Les enfants du paradis.” 
            I had a potato, tow and a half chicken drumsticks and gravy while watching the season finale of Star Trek Discovery. 
            SPOILER ALERT!!! 
            Michael and Book have been captured by Osyraa on Discovery. Discovery is being fired upon by the Federation and Osyraa is threatening to release poison. Michael convinces the admiral to stand down and let her do it her way. He does so. Osyraa begins torturing Book to get him to tell her how to get to the dilithium planet. Meanwhile on that planet Adira arrives with Gray. The holographic program recognizes Gray and gives him a holographic body and so now Saru and Hugh can see him for the first time. Adira has brought medicine to buy them all a few more hours against the radiation poisoning from the dilithium. Saru starts making friends with Su’kal and slowly gets through to him that they are from outside the hologram. The hologram is beginning to deteriorate. Osyraa has isolated the bridge crew in a corridor, sealed them in and shut off life support so they are slowly suffocating. Michael stops Osyraa from torturing Book by saying she will convince him to tell them what they need to know. But when she gets close she puts up a force field, frees him and they escape with weapons. Michael is able to send a cryptic message about fireworks to the bridge crew and Tilly realizes it’s for her. They have to make a bomb to knock Discovery out of warp. But after it’s made the lack of oxygen gets to all of them and they collapse except for Joann, who can live without air for ten minutes. She goes ahead and sets the bomb, then collapses. One of the Sphere controlled robots pulls her free of the explosion but dies. There is a complicated fight in the turbo lifts and Book after a while knocks Zareh to his death but only after he says something nasty about his cat Grudge. Michael makes her way to the data core where Osyraa has already arrived. They fight and Michael is disadvantaged because of her leg injury. Osyraa pushes Michael into the core and she is covered but then she shoots and kills Osyraa from inside and emerges. Michael reactivates life support and takes control of the ship. Aurellio thinks that Book’s empathic way with animals would allow him to activate the spore drive. But they are inside of Osyraa’s ship and can’t jump until they are free. Michael decides to jettison Discovery’s warp core, which could blow Discovery free long enough to jump or it could blow them all up. We see the explosion . Back on the dilithium planet Saru has convinced Su’kal to shut down the hologram. Gray does not want to lose the body he has gained but Hugh convinces him that they will find a way to make it so everyone will see him. Su’kal sees the recording of his mother’s death on their ship and he sees himself as a boy screaming. Because of his mother’s exposure to the dilithium while she was pregnant, Su’kal gained a unique relationship with dilithium so that when he screamed in anguish it caused the Burn. The radiation is closing in and they have seconds to live before Discovery beams them up. Saru takes Su’kal to Kaminar to stay with him while he adjusts to life outside of a hologram. The admiral asks Michael to become the captain of Discovery to transport dilithium from the planet to the Federation planets. 
            Joann is played by Canadian actor Oyin Oladejo, who came to Canada from Nigeria when she was sixteen. She studied theatre at Humber College and at the Soulpepper Academy in Toronto. She worked in theatre in Toronto before she was cast in Star Trek. 
            One thing I noticed during this series is the difference between how they have the gay couple, Paul and Hugh kiss and how Michael kisses any of the lovers she’s had. The hetero couples are always allowed to kiss passionately while the gay couples are limited to these little quick domestic pecks on the lips.

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