Tuesday 8 November 2022

November 8, 1992: My daughter woke up while it was cooking breakfast and helped me stir the cornmeal

Thirty years ago today

            My daughter woke up early on Sunday and was half awake, tossing and turning. At one point she sat right up and cried for me to get up, but I wouldn't. I was feeling full of mucous. She left the room for a while and then came back to bed and went to sleep again. I got up around 10:00 and started making some corn meal for her. She got up while it was cooking and helped me stir. I made toast and steamed the porridge from the day before, mixing it with apricots. She liked that and the toast. I called her mother's place but there was no answer and so I took her out for a walk. We went to Cultures, but she seemed disinterested in the croissant that I bought her. We went into a toy store and played for a while. We walked up Main to Gerrard and when she pointed at a playground, I took her there. She made me take her down the ten-meter tubular slide almost thirty times. We walked back through the nature trail, and she went to sleep when we got home. Nancy called and asked if she could borrow my card because wanted to go to a movie with her mother. I left it at the top of the stairs, but she couldn't find it and called out to me. I came to the door and the baby woke up and started crying when she heard her mother's voice, so Nancy skipped the movie and took her home.

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