Sunday 30 October 2022

Leo Durocher

            On Saturday morning I sang and played "Sans blague" by Boris Vian in French. I still have to run through my English version, "No Joke" before uploading it to Christian's Translations. 
            I memorized the third and fourth verses of "Fuir le bonheur de peur qu'il ne se sauve" (I Flee Pleasure for Fear of its Removal) by Serge Gainsbourg. There's just one more verse left to learn. 
            I weighed 85.1 kilos before breakfast. 
            In the late morning I went to No Frills. The grapes were mostly too soft so I only got two bags of green ones. I bought Sunlight dish detergent, three bags of milk, and two small containers of skyr. 
            I had an hour before lunch and so I went on Peer Scholar and re-read the first essay that I'm supposed to peer review. There are several boxes for comments, often required to be at least 75 words. I wrote some positive comments, some constructive criticism, and suggestions for a better thesis. The next box wanted me to comment on the research sources. I clicked on one of them and then clicked the back arrow to return to my review but everything I'd written was gone. There's a "Save and Continue" button but I couldn't click on it. I emailed the professor about the problem. She asked for tech support but so far nothing happened. I tried a different browser but had the same problem. Apparently some students have already successfully completed this assignment and so I don't know what's wrong for me. I also notice that even the "Submit" button does not work and so there doesn't seem to be any point me doing any peer reviewing until the problem is fixed. 
            I weighed 85.1 kilos before lunch. I had saltines with seven-year-old cheddar and a glass of lemonade. 
            I took a siesta and woke up at what I thought was 15:30. I sat up in bed and saw a bedbug walking towards me on the floor from the direction of the living room-bedroom passage at the foot of my bed. I think I'm going to have to call the Health Department on my landlord. 
           I got ready for a bike ride but then saw that I'd woken at 14:30, and it was now 15:00 so I went back to bed for half an hour. I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 84.5 kilos at 17:00. I was caught up on my journal at 18:08. 
            I went back on Peer Scholar and copied my peer's essay and all of the comment prompts into a single document. That way I could write and save my work without having it erased on Peer Scholar. After I'd written all my comments I went back on Peer Scholar and pasted each comment into its corresponding box. Once I'd filled up the last box, suddenly the "Save and Continue" button became clickable. I was able to move to the second peer and download that student's essay. I'll write that review tomorrow. 
            I made pizza on a slice of Bavarian sandwich bread with Bolognese sauce, a halved beef burger, and seven-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching episode 29 of The Beverly Hillbillies.
            Jed and Jethro are getting ready to go hunting with Mr. Drysdale, but it's a misunderstanding. Drysdale has invited them to go golfing with himself and Leo Durocher, the coach of the Los Angeles Dodgers. But Jed and Jethro think that a golf is some kind of animal that lives in a hole, even though they are birdies. As near as they can figure, to get one they have to be shot, clubbed, and then stomped on with a spiked golf shoe. 
            Drysdale calls to say he has a meeting and can't make it, but Jed and Jethro decide to go to hunt golfs with Durocher. When they arrive at the golf course the guard thinks they are grounds keepers and directs them around the back. Meanwhile Durocher and a prospective pitcher named Walsh Wesson are waiting on the green for their caddies to arrive. When Jed and Jethro walk up, Durocher thinks they're the caddies. Jethro thinks he's helping Durocher out during his putt by stopping the ball from going down the little hole. 
            Durocher is so mad he throws the ball into a tree. Jethro offers to knock it down for him. Durocher doesn't believe her can do it but gives him a baseball to throw and sure enough Jethro hits the golf ball that neither Durocher nor Walsh can even see. Suddenly Durocher forgets about Walsh and thinks he's found the greatest pitcher off all time in Jethro. But later he learns that Jethro can only throw that well after putting possum fat on his hands. It's apparently illegal to pitch with greased hands so Durocher has to forget about it. He learns that Elly May can throw as well as Jethro without grease, and she proves it by knocking Durocher in the pool. He unfortunately he can't use Elly because she's a girl.
            Durocher was played by himself. His parents were Quebecois and his first language was French so he couldn't speak a word of English until after he started school. He started out as a baseball player and was considered the best fielding shortstop of his era. He made his Major League debut with the New York Yankees in 1925. He became a manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1939. He started appearing in movies in 1943, usually as himself. He was notorious for ordering his pitchers to hit batters. He coined the phrase, "Nice guys finish last" in 1946. He married actor Laraine Day in 1947 and they were together for thirteen years. In the 50s he began to appear as himself on TV series and continued through the 60s on shows like The Munsters. 

            I searched for bedbugs and I found one in the same little hole on the upper left side of the frame of the old exit door as the one I'd dug out a few days ago.

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