Monday 26 July 2021

Patti Cohoon Friedman

            I didn't sleep very well on Sunday morning, perhaps because I'd taken my bike ride before my Saturday afternoon siesta and so had less to be tired from. 
            Later in the morning I memorized the second and third verses of "Manu Manuréva" by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I weighed 89.1 kilos before breakfast. 
            In the late morning I scraped most of the black from the inside bottom and two inside sides of my square baking pan. It might take two more sessions to finish it and then I've got two muffin pans to clean. 
            I weighed 89.1 kilos before lunch. I had wheat thins with five year old cheddar and a glass of raspberry lemonade. 
            I took a bike ride to Yonge and Bloor in the afternoon. It was hot but the heat was smoothed down by the breeze. On my way down Yonge Street at around Gerrard I was stopped at the light behind a woman on a small motorcycle. Over her helmet she had a fuzzy yellow dog's head and behind her was a small terrier wearing a leather cap and a little pair of tinted hippy glasses. When the dog turned its head to look at me it would have made a great photo but I wouldn't have been able to get my camera out before the light changed and I wasn't used to using my phone as a camera. I had to go out onto the tracks a lot to pass slow cyclists and food delivery cyclists on electric bikes who were fast when they knew where they were going but would slow down to check their global positioning systems. I weighed 88.7 kilos when I got home.
            I worked on my poem series "My Blood In A Bug."
            I opened the second video that I'd shot on Friday in the Video Editor and flipped it upright. Then I exported it but the process involves reformatting the video from .mov to .mp4 and it took half an hour, so I'll do the last video tomorrow. I suspect that it's the last one that will be the one I want to use for the main video I'm making for my song "Instructions For Electroshock Therapy." The lower light making the red flashers brighter on top of my surreal leather and rust shock therapy machine will probably be a better fit.
            I colourized three more damage spots in my photo of the skateboarder. It's starting to look pretty good but there sure are a lot more spots. 
            I finished digitally repairing a photo from 1991 of a co-worker at Mr Mover and part of another photo from 1987 of a woman blowtorching the feathers off a dead chicken. 
            I made pizza on naan with Basilicata sauce, hot Italian sausage and extra old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching two episodes of Mayberry RFD. 
            In the first story Sam, Goober and Howard decide to form a bicycle club but they deliberately don't tell Emmett because they think it would be too strenuous for someone his age. But when Emmett finds out that he's been excluded he is upset and so they apologize and welcome him to the Red Devils. But it turns out they were right as Emmett falls far behind. Emmett however doesn't want to admit that he can't keep up and so he starts hitching rides on trucks that carry him ahead of the others. When they point out he didn't pass they he claims he took a side road. But on the way home they notice Emmett's bike on the back of a truck. They don't mention it to Emmett. Later Howard learns that Emmett sold his bike even though Emmett claims it was stolen. 
            Emmett's age according to the fact that he turned fifty in an episode a couple of years before would not be too much for riding in a bicycle club. But of course the actor Paul Hartman was really in his seventies so maybe they adjusted his character's age without telling us. 
           In the second story Mike's class is given an assignment to make projects on the theme of the old west. Mike builds a tepee that looks okay to me but others, including his father, think is pretty shoddy. Mike's friend Harold says he's building a replica of a fort. Sam goes by Harold's father Brian's workshop and sees that Harold is hardly doing more than applying the glue while all the toolwork and measuring is being done by Brian. Sam gets competitive and decides to help Mike make a better tepee, which expands into a whole scene with a birch bark canoe, a totem pole and a lake. Brian adds flickering lights to his fort. The day of the open house when the blue ribbon is about to be given out, Mike feels sick because he's worried that he will win when he hardly did anything. The teacher Miss Pringle awards the blue ribbon to Susan whose project was simple but obviously worked on entirely by her. Miss Pringle tells Sam that every father goes overboard at least once. 
            Susan was played by Patti Cohoon Friedman who co-starred in the short lived series "The Runaways" and "Apple's Way". Her husband Adam Friedman made a documentary called "Playing Patti" about Patti's child acting career.

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