Thursday 23 December 2021

Rochenda Sandall

            On Wednesday morning I memorized the tenth verse of “Arthur, où t'as mis le corps?” (Arthur, Where'd You Put The Corpse?”. I have one verse left to go and if I don't have it nailed down by Friday I'll just take the time on Christmas morning to finish it. 
            I almost finished memorizing “Poupée Poupée” by Serge Gainsbourg but didn't quite get the final verse. I should have that done tomorrow. 
            I weighed 85.9 kilos before breakfast. 
            In the late morning, David knocked on my door and gave me a $50 Metro gift card as he's done every Christmas for the last few years. He says he still hasn't gotten in touch with his family in Ethiopia but his brother in Vancouver has gotten word from them in a roundabout way. He said again that when things calm down over there he'd like to take me there for two weeks and I wouldn't have to spend any money. 
            Around midday I pulled the stove out and washed the tiles on which it sits. There were a couple of patches of caked in grease that I had to use steel wool to get rid of. As usual when I clean I also cut myself, this time on a sharp ridge of something run ning along the floor that seemed more like glue than grease, but I cleaned that up too. I also washed the tiles in front of the kitchen counter. Tomorrow I'll start cleaning the kitchen shelves, from the top down. That might take the rest of the holidays. 
            I weighed 85.6 kilos before lunch. I had a toasted Montreal style bagel with five year old cheddar. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride to Bloor and Ossington, then went south to College, west to Dovercourt, south to Queen and home. As I was coming in Benji was going out. He said he thinks covid is caused by immigration. But my research shows there are and always have been new viruses popping up that usually just die off quickly. This one just had a perfect storm. Someone with the virus showed up in a crowded market when they should have stayed home. If not for that covid might not have spread at all. 
            I went out to to buy a twelve-pack of Creemore. The price must have gone up. I previously paid less than $20 for six but this cost more than $44. 
            There was a poster for a lost animal on the streetcar shelter but it was a picture of the dodo, which went extinct 400 years ago. The poster claims that the dodo was hunted out of existence and that a vegan lifestyle would save animals from going extinct. I would imagine that plant based agriculture has probably caused thousands of extinctions. Habitat loss and invasive species had a lot to do with the dodo's extinction so even if every human in the world was vegan it probably wouldn't have saved it. 
            I weighed 87.2 kilos when I got home. 
            I worked on my Movie Maker project of creating a video for my song “Instructions For Electroshock Therapy.” I edited the footage of electroshock therapy from the 1940s to make a clip of dipping electrodes into a saline solution to correspond with the line, “Put some on the electrodes and we're soon ...” For the next word “prepared” I was trying to synchronize the studio audio with the concert video. But I realized that would make it out of sync with me singing “for shock therapy” right after that. It makes more sense to show me singing “shock therapy” than “prepared” and so I just had “prepared” be sung during the electrode footage and lined up the video with “shock therapy.” It goes out of sync again after that when I sing “under fluorescent glow” so I need to find or shoot some video that fits with “fluorescent glow.” 
            I worked on my poem series “My Blood In A Bug.” 
            I worked on editing my “Anti Gravity's Rainbow” photo. 
            I made pizza on naan with Sorrentese sauce, a cut-up sirloin tip, and extra old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching the second episode of the most recent season of Doctor Who. 
            This story continues from where the previous one let off. The Flux was closing in on the Tardis and it looked like the end of the universe but the Doctor Yasmin and Dan are transported to the Crimean war. But reality has changed as the Russians have been replaced with the Sontarans and Russia is now Sontara. The Doctor and her friends meet Mary Seacole who is there to administer to the wounded and General Logan who is in command of the British troops. The Doctor tries to tell him he can't fight the Sontarans but he won't listen. Suddenly Dan and Yasmin start fading away. He is transported back to Liverpool where the Sontarans have taken over. He runs into his parents who inform him that a Sontaran can be knocked out with a blow to the back of the head. Dan decides to sneak onto the Sontaran base. Meanwhile Yasmin is transported to the Planet Time where the Mouri or time guardians are in disrepair. The Doctor and Mary sneak onto the Sontaran base in the past and the Doctor gets Mary to spend some time observing the Sontarans. She finds out that they require 7.5 minutes of rest every 27 hours. General Logan engages with the Sontarans and almost all of his men are killed. Dan is captured but rescued by Karvanista. The Doctor forms a plan to defeat the Sontarans during their rest cycle by dissipating the gasses they require. The plan is successful and the Sontarans agree to retreat but while doing so Logan uses gunpowder to blow up their base and kill many of them. The Doctor is disgusted by his action. The Doctor finds the Tardis and then she retrieves Dan. Together they go to the Planet Time where Swarm, Azure and Passenger have already taken Yasmin captive. Destroyed one of the Mouri and placed Yasmin in her position. 
            Mary Seacole was played by Sara Powell.

            Azure is played by Rochenda Sandall, who starred in the series “Criminal: UK” and “Love Lies and Records.” She co-starred in “London's Burning” and “Line of Duty.” She played Chesille Sabrond in “The Rise of Skywalker.” 

            As I was getting ready for bed I saw a bedbug on the door above the head of my bed at about eye level. It didn't seem very healthy and the blood inside was dark red and greasy. Later I did a search and poked my skewer into a small hole in the wall near the foot of my bed and impaled a small one that looked even more sick and was black inside. They were the first I'd seen in three weeks and the three I found three weeks ago also looked like they were dying but still moving around.

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